Wednesday 1 June 2011

Meeting Tonight Wednesday 1st June 2011

7.15pm - 8.45pm, Stamford Hill Library
Planning, the law and your right to have a say about your environment
A joint event by Hackney Unites and Friends of the Earth
Open to everyone

Friends of the Earth runs training on planning, the law and campaigning to support community groups working to have their voice heard on decisions made about developments - from housing to supermarkets, from airports to food growing spaces. Everyone has the right to live in a fair, clean and healthy place. We believe the ‘Environment’ isn’t separate from us, but it is where we live, where we work, where our children play.

In Hackney planning policy, regulation and enforcement has at times been a divisive issue.

This session is focussed on empowering residents so that they can have their voice heard. This event, run by Friends of the Earth and Hackney unites, will be a small taster of the training and resources offered by Friends of the Earth’s Rights and Justice team. It is also part of Hackney Unites on-going strategy of bringing experts and residents together to provide relevant training that allows our communities to get their voices heard. Whether it is the controversial proposals for areas of exception, or the wholesale redevelopment of estates, residents’ views and needs have too often been ignored and marginalised.

Come and:
* Share your experiences getting involved in decision making in the borough
* Get an introduction to what your rights are in this area and why they matter
* Here about changes proposed to the way planning decisions are made in the Localism bill and how to get involved in campaigning for better rights to participate
* Find out about resources available to help you work on environmental issues you care about

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